Demolition / Renovation Building / Structure
Residential Demolition / Renovation
- Building or structure to be demolished or renovated built prior to 1981 requires an asbestos survey by an accredited asbestos abatement company.
- If building, structure, or materials within contain asbestos they must be abated prior to demolition or renovation.
- Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) include but are not limited to:
- Flooring tile, sheeting, and adhesives
- Cement board siding
- Roofing shingles or felt
- See informational, “Where Asbestos Might Be Located in a Home” brochure.
- ACM from a residential demolition or renovation must be disposed in accordance with asbestos delivery policy. See the asbestos page for more information.
- Mercury containing devices (thermostats/CFL’s) must be removed prior to disposal of demolition or renovation materials.
- Remove all light ballasts containing PCB or dialectic fluid. Both are hazardous and can be disposed of through the MCSWMA hazardous waste program.
- A residential demolition or renovation does not require a test for lead.
- All loads are subject to random load sampling and inspection.
- The owner/demolition company must complete a waste characterization/demo form.
Commercial Building Demolition
Structure must be tested for asbestos and lead while intact.
- A copy of all test results must be sent to landfill pre-delivery.
- A landfill permit must be obtained from the municipality in which the structure is located.
- If asbestos is present, it must be removed.
- If lead is above acceptable levels, contact the landfill office directly. Depending on material composition further testing may or may not be required.
- If there are mercury containing items (like thermostats or CFL’s), they must be removed prior demolition.
- All ballasts must be removed.
- The demolition company must complete a waste characterization/demo form.
ALL DOCUMENTATION MUST BE SUBMITTED & APPROVED PRIOR TO DISPOSING OF ANY WASTE! Please note that it may take several days to approve your demolition waste. Until your documentation has been approved, you will not be permitted to dispose of any waste.
All commercial building jobs MUST be accompanied with documentation signed by the principal of the contracting company and the consultant involved stating that the material does or does not contain asbestos. Documentation will include a copy of the AHERA pertaining to area of demolition and notification of the intent to renovate/demolish form being sent to the EGLE. Documentation of testing will be required for all built-up roofs.
Building materials that contain asbestos must be segregated from non-asbestos Type III material. If a contractor is found to be improperly disposing of materials at the landfill or transfer stations, the company will be banned from using the facilities. The misrepresentation of asbestos material as non-toxic Type III material is punishable with significant, open-ended charges along with the loss of landfill privileges. Click here for more information.
Mercury-Containing Equipment
All contractors bringing in building demolition must provide documentation that all mercury-containing equipment has been removed from the building. This includes thermostats, thermometers, switches, floats, and furnace controls. Because of the toxicity of mercury, this mercury-containing equipment must be disposed of properly and not put into the landfill. The Authority offers disposal options for elemental mercury that has been removed.